Join our ecosystems supervision group beginning in January

Martin Vogel and Hetty Einzig are opening a new round of ecosystems supervision focussed on supporting practitioners as society’s response to the pandemic enters a new phase. If you are a coach or practitioner whose work involves supporting people, we invite you to join this programme of group supervision sessions. Depending on circumstances we plan to offer a blended model of online and face-to-face sessions.

Our innovative approach fosters awareness of the ecosystems in which we are located and the influence we can bring to bear on them as individuals. It encourages an integration of our identities as people, practitioners and citizens.

The pandemic and the economic recession it has triggered provoke a range of often conflicting emotions. Sacrifices will be demanded of us and professional and personal choices will need to be made as the recession bites. Coaching professionals can play in important role in helping people navigate the choices ahead. But we will need to take care of ourselves and be adaptive. Old certainties have fallen away, new openings will emerge.

There is an imperative to find reflective space to support wise interventions, restraining the impulse to forge answers prematurely. We know that the intelligence of the group is greater than the intelligence of the smartest individual. So now is a time to come together as a community of practice, to support ourselves and our work in other communities beyond the group.

We are offering monthly sessions of three hours with a break in the middle. And we will respond flexibly to the group’s needs as situations unfold. The sessions address a mixture of thematic group content and supervision of individual practice issues.

Our approach is values-based, collaborative and experimental – exploring coaching practice within the context of wider societal and environmental considerations. At this time when all of humanity is simultaneously facing trauma at several levels, it could not be more timely. We draw also on our backgrounds in transpersonal coaching, bodywork, creative work, mindfulness, and psychodynamic theory and practice.

Hetty Einzig brings experience from a career encompassing psychotherapy, writing and journalism. Her coaching and supervision is informed by ecological and systemic perspectives, art and literature.

Martin Vogel draws on a career as a former journalist and strategist turned coach and supervisor – integrating critical perspectives of society and politics alongside an interest in narrative and arts-based approaches. We are both trained in Analytic-Network Coaching, which looks at the orientation of leaders in the networked society.

This group is for experienced practitioners wishing to deepen their connection and contribution through their work at this turbulent time.


The size of the group will be no larger than eight participants. It will run for six sessions from January to June 2021, meeting from 14:00 to 17:00 on dates to be agreed. Participants must be able to commit to all six dates and, once committed, will hold responsibility for rescheduling any group meeting which they cannot attend.

Our plan is for a blended model. For the moment, we continue to work on Zoom. When we can, we would like to meet face to face in London. This may be in a booked venue, or using the environment outdoors or in a public space, such as an art gallery.

Fees will be payable in advance of the commencement of the programme, at a rate you consider appropriate. For guidance we suggest:

  • You take into account the maximum fee which you charge your own clients and the frequency with which you work at this rate.
  • You may also like to consider what fee you would expect to earn for delivering a programme of a similar scale and nature to this supervision group.
  • You keep in mind that VAT is payable on whatever fee is agreed.
  • If your financial circumstances are constrained, please do not feel inhibited from participating in the programme. Pay what you can reasonably afford.

Please contact us with expressions of interest or any queries: